Summer Festival
30 July – 14 August
The New Kadampa International Summer Festival takes place (online) from the evening of Friday 30 July until lunchtime on Saturday 14 August.
During this period, in order to allow everybody – teachers, students, café volunteers, office staff et al – to attend this festival, Buddha Land centre is suspending its usual activities.
But it isn’t closing completely.
Watch the Festival at Buddha Land Centre
Buddha Land centre will be screening the festival sessions, and everyone is welcome to join – just book the festival directly (follow this link: and let us know which sessions you want to watch in the Meditation Room at Buddha Land Centre, Keighley, along with others. You can phone us or email us, or talk to us in person, to discuss coming to the centre to watch the festival as part of a group.
There are two parts to the Summer Festival, and you can sign up for a single week (either for Friday 30 July – Wednesday 4 August, or for Friday 6 August – Saturday 14 August) or both weeks, as you choose.
Other options
During this period, Buddha Land centre will be reducing its activities but will not close completely.
Chill in the World Peace Café
Our café will continue to operate its usual hours, and you are most welcome to spend some time relaxing in here.
Watch a previous course on video
We are making one video available online each week for centre members.
Week beginning Monday 2 August
Centre members, book here for access to the video of “Essential Practices of Buddhism” meditation workshop (from 3 October 2020):
Week beginning Monday 9 August
Centre members, book here for access to the video of “Free Your Mind” day retreat (from 13 December 2020):
Week beginning Monday 16 August
Our full schedule of classes and courses resumes with a half-day course, Meditations for a Clear Mind, on the morning of Sunday 15 August.
For the timetable of regular classes, please see the online classes and in-person classes booking pages.
Food for Thought
An Evening of Meditation and Good Food
Burnley KBC
Saturday 4 June, 7pm – 10pm
Enjoy a relaxing evening with meditation, good company and delicious 3-course vegetarian meal. Tonight’s food will have a Jubilee-themed flavour.
There will a short talk and guided meditation with Gen Kelsang Päljin, to bring spiritual focus and a positive mindset to our weekend.
Food for Thought
An Evening of Meditation and Good Food
Burnley KBC
Saturday 12 February, 7pm – 10pm
Enjoy a relaxing evening with meditation, good company and delicious 3-course vegetarian meal. Tonight’s food will have a Winter Warmer Kindness Day flavour.
There will a short talk and guided meditation with Gen Kelsang Päljin, a Buddhist monk with 20 years of experience and our Resident Teacher.
Meditations for Inner Peace
Guided Retreat
In Person at Buddha Land Centre and by livestream
Sat-Sun 8-9 January, 9.30am – 3.30pm
Stilling and controlling the mind are essential skills for finding happiness in busy modern life.
These guided retreats will help us to experience a clear mind and develop our inner good qualities.
Attend one or both days.