Meditation is simply a method of training our mind to become peaceful. When our mind is peaceful we free ourselves from worries and mental discomfort and we allow true happiness to arise. The ultimate purpose of meditation is to develop our capacity to help others.
Benefits of Meditation
Many of us lead very busy lives, and finding the space to turn inwards and meditate each day can be a struggle in itself. But meditation allows us to recover our strength, collect our thoughts and to see things in perspective. A longer term commitment to practice will bring its rewards, not least a calm, peaceful mind which remains happy even in the face of difficult circumstances. And of course, with a peaceful mind, we are then far more likely to find solutions to our problems and respond constructively without loss of heart. more…
Types of Meditation
There are two types of meditation: analytical meditation and placement meditation. When we practice analytical meditation we contemplate the meaning of a spiritual instruction, and eventually we reach a definite conclusion or cause a specific virtuous state of mind to arise. Placement meditation is when we concentrate ‘single-pointedly’ on this conclusion or virtuous state of mind for as long as possible to become deeply acquainted with it.
Effort without Hardship
Although training the mind takes sustained effort, it is a gentle practice and does not require physical deprivation and hardship. The more we practice meditation, the more familiar our mind becomes with inner peace and virtue. Over time, our ability to experience that inner peace between meditation sessions increases, whatever our circumstances.
Is Meditation a Bit Selfish?
Isn’t spending time meditating a bit selfish? Wouldn’t we be better to devote our time to actively helping others? Since the real purpose of meditation is to increase our capacity to help others, taking time each day to meditate is not selfish. Meditating will allow us to regain our energy and peace of mind to be of maximum benefits to others.
Starting to Meditate
If you would like to learn more about meditation, the simplest way is to come along to one of our meditation classes or events. The teacher will explain about the practice of meditation and guide a meditation to relax and focus the mind.
There are classes in West Yorkshire and East Lancashire. To find a class near you, click here.