Approximately two and a half thousand years ago Buddha Shakyamuni taught methods to develop lasting peace and happiness though controlling the mind. These methods have been widely applied since then and have become known as Buddhism.
What Buddha Taught
Buddha demonstrated in his life that external good conditions are insufficient if we wish for lasting happiness. Rather, Buddha taught that to attain such happiness we must turn inside to create it within our own mind. He pointed out that for as long as our mind is un-peaceful we will not be happy and explained in detail which types of mind make us un-peaceful. He also taught which minds lead to peace and happiness.
In the Sutra of the Four Noble Truths, Buddha says
“You should know sufferings.
You should abandon origins.
You should attain cesesions.
You should practice the path.”
Buddhist Meditation
To achieve this dual purpose of removing harmful thoughts, or minds, and developing beneficial thoughts he taught the practice of Buddhist meditation to the people of his day. Using these methods many of his followers attained a lasting experience of inner peace and taught these methods to others. This is a process that has continued into this modern era where still people are practicing, gaining experience of, and teaching the methods that Buddha revealed.