Drop-in Buddhist Meditation Classes
The evening meditation classes in Skipton teach you how to gain an experience of inner peace though meditation. They are a great way to learn to meditate, to improve your meditation practice, or to learn new meditation techniques. Through meditation we can learn to relax, let go of our daily concerns and develop a fresh and positive outlook.
Each class is 1.5 hours in length and includes guided meditations as well as explanations of how to practice and apply meditation. These classes are self contained so you can attend individual classes.
Everyone is welcome.
Class Information
The weekly drop-in classes are currently not running in Skipton but we are running monthly drop in classes (dates below). If there is sufficient interest, we hope to resume weekly classes in the New Year.
Drop in Classes
7.30pm – 8.45pm Wednesdays 30 October & 27 November 2019
Introduction to Meditation
Kelsang Thonchog will be giving a short talk and guided meditation that will help us to understand how we can use meditation to solve daily problems, develop peace of mind, reduce stress, improve our health and to find deeper meaning & purpose in our life.
The Friends Meeting House, The Ginnel Mews (off Newmarket St), Skipton, BD23 2JA, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
The meeting house has disabled access.
Getting There
At the roundabout at the bottom of the High Street from the Keighley direction, turn onto Newmarket Street. Go past the Devonshire arms then turn down the Ginnel which is immediately after the art shop. The Meeting House is on the left towards the end of the Ginnel, there is an overhead sign. Please note the Ginnel is pedestrian only as is too narrow for cars. There are two car parking spaces next to the Friends Meeting House for those with limited mobility. Access for these is via Devonshire Mews.
Further Information
You can contact us on the details below and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the classes.