Our Teacher Training Programme (TTP) explores all of Buddha’s teaching of Sutra and Tantra and provides the basis for one’s own practice and for sharing the teachings with others. We are currently studying the book Meaningful to Behold, a detailed commentary to Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life a poem on the spiritual life by the 8th century Buddhist Master Shantideva.
Structured Study
The structure of classes is similar to FP with preparatory prayers, guided meditation, teaching and discussion.
Both Buddha’s Sutra and Tantric teaching are studied and the programme inlcudes a number of meditation retreats, which can be done at home or as a group at the centre.
The TTP class runs on Fridays from 9.15am to 12.45pm, with a short break at 11.15.
What happens in a TTP class?
We begin with traditional prayers to calm and prepare the mind as well as a guided meditation on a topic from the previous class. The teacher then covers a section from the book clarifying the important points and illustrating ways in which the ideas can be put into practice.
Anyone can ask questions that they may have at any time, but each class includes paired discussion to give us time to air these questions, as well as explore the main points of the teaching, help each other to learn them, overcome doubts or misunderstandings and to arrive at a clear understanding of how to apply the teachings in our daily life.
Who can join?
If you have been coming to General Programmes and wish to study Buddha’s teachings in a more systematic way, then feel free to try out the Teacher Training Programme for 2 or 3 sessions. See for yourself how this study programme helps to improve the quality of your life by putting the teachings into practice.
To Find out More
Please contact the centre and we can explain more about the progamme and trying it out. You are welcome to come for a couple of taster session to see how it works before deciding whether to join or not.
To join a TTP session
You can attend inperson on online via live streaming. Please get in touch to enquire.