The Confession Buddhas
Tuesdays at 7.40am
(30 minutes)
In our previous lives, whilst under the influence of deluded minds, we created a great deal of negative karma, and we also transgressed our commitments and incurred root and secondary downfalls. As a result we now experience difficulties in developing faith and conviction in Dharma, and in making progress on the stages of the path to enlightenment. Since these transgressions and downfalls seriously obstruct our spiritual development, it is essential that we purify them.
One of the best methods for purifying downfalls is this one, ‘the Mahayana Sutra of the Three Superior Heaps,’ or ‘The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls,’ in which we make physical and verbal prostrations to the 35 Confession Buddhas.
We use the prayer booklet, ‘The Bodhisattva’s Confession of Moral Downfalls,’ for this puja. If you want to buy your own copy you can purchase it online – https://tharpa.com/uk/the-bodhisattvas-confession-of-moral-downfalls.html
An electronic verson of the booklet is available as well as the paper version.