Saturday 23 March 10am – 3pm
@ Buddha Land Centre
Explore Buddha Land on Saturday 23 March with a varied programme of events providing interest to both those who have visited before and to those who have not yet had the opportunity.
The schedule has been drawn up to answer many of the questions that people have about meditation & Buddhism and to offer the opportunity to come to the Centre and see what it’s all about.
So for those curious about meditation, there will be meditation taster sessions and a chance to find out about regular classes.
If you are interested in Buddhist imagery and art, there will be a chance to find out about the symbolism behind it and also enjoy the beautiful statues that we have in our meditation room.
For those curious as to what a Buddhist monk or nun does each day and how they live their life, this will be your chance to find out as one of them will explain and answer any questions you may have.
And finally Buddha Land is entirely run by volunteers. If you would like to find out more about how the centre is run or would be interested in finding out about volunteering opportunities please ask on the day.
Our World Peace Cafe will be open all day serving a selection of speciality teas and coffees, homemade cakes and soups and light meals. We like to think it is an oasis of peace, we hope you will find it so.
Programme of events for the day:
Meditation for Children 10.00am – 11am
Suitable for children aged 5 – 13yrs
Meditation Tasters 10.45am – 11.15am
Try a simple meditation to clear and calm the mind
Ancient Images 11.30am – 12noon
Learn about ancient Buddhist images and their symbolism
A Day in the Life 12.15pm – 12.45pm
How do modern Buddhist monks and nuns live their lives
Meditation Tasters 1.00pm – 1.30pm
Try a simple meditation to clear and calm the mind.
Modern Buddhism 1.45pm – 2.15pm
Buddhist explanation of how to keep a peaceful mind
International Temples 2.30pm – 3.00pm
Learn about Buddhist temples and centres worldwide (video)