Refuge Retreat
Advanced Retreat
@ Buddha Land KMC, Keighley
Sunday 16 – Tuesday 18 March
If we wish to make authentic spiritual progress, we need to recognise the importance of going for refuge to the Three Buddhist Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.
We go for refuge to many people and things in our lives, but it is only by going for refuge to Buddha (our guide on the spiritual path); Dharma (the body of Buddha’s teachings & our inner realisations of them) & Sangha (our spiritual friends who support our inner journey) that we can truly & permanently protect ourselves from suffering.
This Retreat is ideal for those wishing to develop their understanding of Buddhist refuge and also for those wishing to deepen their refuge practice. It provides an unequalled opportunity to explore this most precious practice.
Sunday, Monday & Tuesday are unguided and free of charge.
Schedule Sun - Tue
8am – 9.30am – Unguided Session
10.30am – 12noon – Unguided Session
4pm – 5.30pm – Unguided Session
6.30pm – 8pm – Unguided Session
Heart Jewel Prayers shortly after 12 noon
8am – 9.30am – Unguided Session
10.30am – 12noon – Unguided Session
4pm – 5.30pm – Unguided Session
Heart Jewel Prayers shortly after 12 noon
9am – 10.30am – Unguided Session
3.30pm – 5.00pm – Unguided Session
6.30pm – 8pm – Unguided Session
Heart Jewel Prayers 1.30pm
Unguided Retreat Sessions, Sun 16, Mon 17, Tue 18 March (please specify which days/sessions you are intending to come to in the booking cart)
Buddha Land Kadampa Meditation Centre, 1 Lawkholme Cres, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 3NR, UK.
Buddha Land Kadampa Meditation Centre has a raised ground floor cafe/shop and a first floor meditation room. Entrance to the ground floor is via 6 steps.
The centre is open Tuesday to Saturday 10am til 4pm (9.30am on Saturdays).
Getting there
The Centre is situated on Keighley War Memorial Square between Abbey National and Speaks Work Wear. It is opposite Keighley Bus Station and the Airedale Centre.
It is 5min walk from Keighley Train Station.
Parking is readily available during the day either in the town centre car parks or in unrestricted street parking which starts about 5min walk away from the building. After 6pm and on Sundays town centre car parking is free. There are disabled parking bays oposite the building and alongside Abbey National.