Foundation Programme: Structured, In-Depth Study
The Foundation Programme (FP) course is designed for those who want to deepen their knowledge of Buddhism and meditation. It provides a perfect basis for a daily meditation practice that pervades the day and brings lasting results.
Many people have a sincere wish to deepen their knowledge and experience of Buddha’s teachings and to improve their spiritual insights through a structured study programme. The Foundation Programme is designed to fulfill this wish by providing a systematic presentation of the basic subjects of Mahayana Buddhism through the study of six of Geshe Kelsang’s books:
- Joyful Path of Good Fortune
- Universal Compassion
- Heart of Wisdom
- Meaningful to Behold
- Eight Steps to Happiness
- Understanding the Mind
Foundation Programme Thursday evenings (In Person or Online)
We are currently studying How to Understand the Mind.
Classes resume on Thursday 10 September.
Although we are now some way into the book, if you are interested in learning more about Buddhism and want to attend this programme, you are still very welcome to come along and try out two free classes before committing to joining the programme.
The classes start at 7pm and end at 9.10pm (each class lasts two hours, and has a ten-minute break in the middle).
Or contact us if you have any any questions you would like to discuss before coming along.
Foundation Programme Friday mornings
The Friday FP class runs from 9.15am til 12.30pm with a break from 10.45am til 11.15am and is currently studying Joyful Path of Good Fortune.
You are welcome to try out a couple of classes before committing to joining the programme.
Classes resume on Friday 4 September.
What happens in a FP class?
We begin with traditional prayers to calm and prepare the mind as well as a guided meditation on a topic from the previous class. The teacher then covers a section from the book clarifying the important points and illustrating ways in which the ideas can be put into practice. Anyone can ask questions that they may have at any time. We then split up into pairs to explore the main points of the teaching, help each other to learn them, overcome doubts or misunderstandings and to arrive at a clear understanding of how to apply them in our daily life.
Who can join?
If you have been coming to General Programmes and wish to study Buddha’s teachings in a more systematic way, then feel free to try it out for 2 or 3 sessions. See for yourself how this study programme helps to improve the quality of your life by putting the teachings into practice.
To Find out More
Please contact the centre and we can explain more about the progamme and trying it out.
To join any FP session online, please use this link to access each class shortly before it is due to start: